lorry driver performed a highly dangerous U-turn on a motorway

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lorry driver performed a highly dangerous U-turn on a motorway

Added: 13/11/2014

Police have released "shocking" CCTV footage of the moment a lorry driver performed a highly dangerous U-turn on a motorway. The illegal manoeuvre happened after the motorist, Leonaid Papachin, had driven the wrong way down the slip road at junction T5 of the M6 Toll road. After realising his error he pulled onto the hard shoulder and then tried to rectify his mistake by doing the U-turn on to the motorway, West Midlands officers said. The lorry, which weighs more than 40 tons, went into the first two lanes of the three-lane road as cars were approaching a short distance away at around 5.30pm on 23 October. Papachin, 51, then drove off in the right direction before he was stopped by police who had been alerted by CCTV controllers. The driver was arrested and charged with charged with dangerous driving Papachin, from Lithuania, was remanded in custody and appeared at Cannock Magistrates Court on 30 October. He was sentenced to 15 weeks in prison, suspended for two years and ordered to pay £85 costs. He was also disqualified from driving for 18 months after which he will be required to pass an extended test of competence. Motorway patrol manager Chief Inspector Jed White said: Unfortunately this type of incident is all too common on the motorway network, especially the M6 Toll, where drivers attempt to avoid charges for using the road. On this occasion the driver should have contacted motorway police immediately to help him manoeuvre safely. We will always prosecute offenders and, as this case demonstrates, the penalties can be quite severe. Our CCTV systems cover the majority of carriageways and are monitored 24/7, so there is no hiding place. I hope that it serves as a deterrent to anyone who thinks they can put other motorists in jeopardy by ignoring motorway regulations."