20 percent of the world is covered with vegetation

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20 percent of the world is covered with vegetation

Added: 18/11/2014

Thats right 20% of the world is vegetation and approximately 20% of the world's cover of vegetation has grasses as its main ingredient. So if you do the maths....

Land in the world - 57,308,738 Sq. Miles
Vegetation in the world - 11,461,747.6 Sq. Miles
Grass in the world - 2,292,349.5 Sq. Miles

In the UK has 94,060 Sq. Miles of land and if you count all the gardens and parks within cities, the study found only 2.7% of the UK is urban development. This means 97.3% of the UK is vegetation of some kind. So applying the maths...
Land in UK - 94,060 Sq. Miles
Vegetation in UK - 18,812 Sq. Miles
Grass in the UK - 3,762.4 Sq. Miles

This means there is an estimated £31,182,628,048.2 worth of grass to be cut every year! Ok so lets be real a bit now thats just figures. We have to allow for people who cut there own grass, deduct for council cutting and farmland that manage there own land. After you allow for this we estimate it to be about 40% (£12,473,051,219.2) so next time anyone says you cant make much money cutting grass! Just smile and enjoy the fact that it is one less competitor out there reducing your cut of this.