Fake goats cheese made from SHEEPS milk for sale in supermarkets and delis

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Fake goats cheese made from SHEEPS milk for sale in supermarkets and delis

Added: 22/10/2014

Cheese made from sheep’s milk is being passed off as goat produce in supermarkets, delis and markets, Which? has said. The consumer watchdog became suspicious of the amount of goats’ cheese on sale despite a shortage of the animals’ milk in Europe. Nine of 76 samples it tested contained up to 80% sheep’s milk. Which? said: “These results reinforce the need for better checks.” The unnamed shops said they used sheep products as there were plenty available and the taste is similar. Which? joined forces with Professor Chris Elliott, a food safety expert at Queen's University, Belfast, and author of the government's independent review into the food supply network, to investigate the content of goats' cheese. They bought samples of goats' cheese from supermarkets, delis and markets from eight locations around the UK and tested them to see what they really were. Three samples contained more than 80 per cent sheep's cheese, another three more than 50 per cent sheep's cheese and the final three around five per cent sheep's cheese. Researchers would not reveal the retailers who were selling fake goats cheese. Prof Elliott said: "We tested the cheese samples for a wide range of different animal species. I had actually expected to detect some adulteration with cow's protein but what we found was substantial amounts of sheep protein in six cases." This is not the first time Which? has uncovered food fraud this year. In May they tested lamb kebab takeaways and found that 24 out of 60 contained other meats, either chicken or beef or a mixture of both. And six of these contained no lamb at all. Both chicken and beef are cheaper than lamb, so a substitution cuts costs for manufacturers and caterers. Last year horsemeat was discovered being substituted for beef in a number of processed foods, including, including supermarket ready meals. A recent Which? survey revealed that only 36 per cent of people in the UK are confident that the food they buy contains exactly what is stated on the ingredients.