Halloween lights lip sync to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

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Halloween lights lip sync to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

Added: 22/10/2014

We have all seen the typical Christmas light-show with reindeer and elves lighting up to Jingle Bells (or something like that), and at first it was fun, but it didn\'t take long to become tiresome.\r\nSo where is the next logical step for the DIY light-show? Well obviously it\'s to have a Halloween one with ghoulish faces on the side of your house lip syncing to Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen.\r\nSteve Jandick set up the light-show and recorded the video for the homeowner Nick Thomas in Naperville, Illinois.\r\nSo sit back and enjoy this video and the work that went into setting it up.